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高考心家网 2024-04-27 09:26:01 0



Hua shan art school


I graduated from my art school.Our study's book always is professional books.Our professional crouse and the culture class is a half.

Our school's professional teacher almost person master of the art.And they like art very much,perhaps also have some person just want to survive.Our school have three to four divide school.Our school's culture class was not very tide.Also have some students don't very like art.

Our school have the sixty teachers to seventy teachers construct for art.We are the happy family.

And our art school is the one of famous school in shanghai's high school for art.We are the toppest.The school also have many excellent students went out in our school.Every year,we also have some the traveling exhibit around famous art museum for whole shanghai.

Hua shan art school in my memeory,I use finished my extremely frivolous time also is the enjoy art study time and then also is a honorable art time.


作为一个读普通高中的人来说,身边的同学可能会或多或少的会对职高生有点偏见。但是对于我个人而言,读职高 做一名职高生 并不是一件特别丢人的事情。

或许很多人对职高/职高生的印象 是脏乱差,但这并不能一棒子否定所有人,一所顶尖职高学校的录取分数线也会达到一些二类高中甚至是一类高中的分数线,里面的学生走出来也未必就比不上普通高中的学生。


